License / Registration
Trademark Registration


After completes your Trademark  Declaration of Continued Use, you’ll receive an email requesting your electronic signature. This email will contain a link connecting you to your document online. We strongly recommend thoroughly reviewing your application to ensure the information is correct before electronically signing the application. You can complete your e-signature by typing your name between two forward slashes (ex: /john doe/) and clicking on the “submit” button.

No, registration of a Trademark is not mandatory in India but it is always advisable to do so for the protection of your mark and business as well.

The same can be known through a public search on the trademark official portal i.e. Alternatively, the Registrar can be requested for preliminary advice in Form TM-M along with the requisite fees as well.

Yes, foreign proprietors can also make an application for registration of their mark in India provided it is well-known and it has reached to Indians.